“Republic Day”

In accordance with the plan of events dedicated to the celebration of the national holiday – “Republic Day”, a single intra-college patriotic dictation on the topic “Atameken” was held on October 19 of this year.

The main purpose of the event is to develop the civic consciousness of students, foster a sense of belonging to the fate of the country and responsibility for its future, expand the scope of the state language and increase its social significance.

The dictation was attended by 196 students enrolled in the 1-2 year of college. According to its results, the winners who scored the most points were determined: 1st place was taken by a student of group PO-4 of the specialty “Software (by type)” Aitenova Aidana, 2nd place – a student of group B-3 of the specialty “Accounting and Auditing” Seiden Aruzhan, 3rd place – a student of group B-2 Ilyutaeva Botagoz.

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