Unified information hour dedicated to the 20th anniversary of anti-corruption legislation

The growth of human well – being must be the basis of all our daily work, and the fight against corruption must be decisive. We should relentlessly combat corruption notwithstanding persons and their positions.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev


16 March 2018 in Kostanai polytechnic higher college held a single information hour devoted to the 20th anniversary of the formation of anti-corruption legislation, which was prepared by the teachers of public disciplines, Baigentov B. B., Ovchinnikova, F. B., Kuznetsova L. F. and Joldybeck G. J.

The event was accompanied by a presentation of slides. This event discussed the main issues of changes and innovations in anti-corruption legislation, the causes of corruption offenses and their consequences. The purpose of the large – scale event is to increase the level of anti-corruption culture, awareness of students about anti-corruption legislation, the main directions of anti-corruption policy in the country.

The information was prepared by the teacher of social disciplines Baigentov B.B

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