The objectives of the program: to increase the global competitiveness of the education of Kazakhstan and personal education based on universal values.

 Let us turn to the goal: to train a person on the basis of universal values.

The target indicator is the children well-being index of Kazakhstan.

The growth of child and adolescent crime and suicide in the country indicates the importance of personal education on the basis of universal values and the need to increase the index of well-being of children in our country.

In the process of implementing the new program, an indicator such as the percentage of students who have demonstrated a high level of citizenship and patriotism, which can also be educated on the basis of universal values, will be monitored.

All mentioned factors set such task to educators as improving the learning process of students on the basis of universal values.

Of course, this process should begin in the family, in kindergarten, then in school.

Pupils come to colleges as already established personalities and, as studies show, many of them have a low level of development of universal values, which is the basis of moral qualities, patriotism, understanding of the value of life. It makes the implementation of the new program more difficult for us.

That is why we must pay special attention to the development of universal values in students, regardless of what subject we teach them.

Today it is important to turn to science again and remember that a system of universal human values ​​is taking shape in the process of historical development

Human is the highest stage of living organisms on earth, he is a living system, which represents the unity of the physical and spiritual, natural and social, hereditary and acquired during life.

This suggests that he develops all his life and the time when he is a students is  an important stage of his life, the acquisition of new knowledge, on the basis of which the level of development of universal human values ​​increases.

According to many researchers recognized by the international community, human values ​​include human life, freedom, happiness.

The fundamental category of universal values ​​is life. Life is the most precious value for a person, the basis of his existence, his being in the world.

Human needs peace on earth for life, but wars continue, youth participate in them, which means a lack of understanding of the value of life by the young generation.  We live in a peaceful country and the task of new generation of Kazakhstan is to preserve this peace, this will mean following universal human values, the main of which is human life.

Freedom is another value of human existence. Freedom is a person’s ability to master the conditions of his being, to overcome dependence on natural and social forces, to preserve opportunities for his determination, choice of actions and actions. The issue of freedom is one of the most important in a person’s determination of his position, reference points of his life and activity. It is freedom that justifies the development of man as a kind and individual.

It is important to remember that the freedom of one person cannot violate the freedom of another and many scientists of the world remind about this.

Materials and different points of view about happiness can be found on the Internet.

Here we used materials from the article [E-mail] values_, as well as the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, which is in our library, and other sources

It is very important to refer to the works of the “The Book of Words” by Abai Kunanbayev, “The Word of Abai” by the First President of the country N. A. Nazarbayev, an article by President K.K. Tokaev “Abai and Kazakhstan in the XXI century.” The President writes that “special attention should be paid to the in-depth study of the works of Abai. The knowledge of Abai is the knowledge of oneself, constant growth, the study of science, education – this is wisdom. The words of Abai should become the guideline of the generation.” His works are about universal values ​​that every citizen of Kazakhstan should follow, the main of which, according to him, is “peace is happiness for a native country”.

We wish you success in the development of universal values among our students, in achieving the goal of the new program.

The material was prepared by a methodologist, an overachiever enlightenment of the USSR and Kazakh SSR, the holder of the breast plate of “Y. Altynsarin “, honorary member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Machneva Svetlana Grigoryevna

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