Rules of internal regulation


of internal regulations

These Rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, the Charter of the College, which determine the internal order in the MSPE “Kostanay polytechnical college of higher education” (here in after – the College), basic rights and duties of students, as well as regulate other issues related to the activity of students in college.

These rules are obligatory for students.

General Provisions

1.1 These Regulations are the main local regulation, which is determined by the internal rules of life of students in the MSPE “Kostanay Polytechnic College” (here in after – the college).

1.2 Students (those enrolled in college to study the order of the Director) are obliged to acquire knowledge, to perform in a timely manner all kinds of tasks provided by the curriculum and educational programs.

1.3 Training is provided by the administration of discipline of the College the creation of the necessary organizational and economic conditions for the normal work of a high-performance, conscious fulfillment of educational duties, methods of persuasion, education, as well as incentives for hard work and training. Violators of discipline apply disciplinary measures.

1.4 Issues related to the application of the Internal Regulations shall be resolved within the administration of the College granted her rights, and in the cases stipulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the internal regulations, – jointly or in consultation with the trade union committee of students and the Student Council of the College.

1.5 Internal regulations of the College students, as well as all amendments and additions thereto shall be adopted at engineering-pedagogical council on the proposal of the administration and shall enter into force upon signature by the Director of the order.

1.6 The text of the internal regulations of life of students Rules posted on the notice boards at the College.

Basic rights of students

College students have the right to:

2.1 To receive education in accordance with the state mandatory standards of education of RK;

2.2 On receipt of the contract of additional paid educational services;

2.3 In respect of their human dignity, freedom of conscience, information, free expression of their own opinions and beliefs;

2.4 To participate in the discussion and solution of the most important questions of college activities, including through public student organizations and college authorities;

2.5 On the free use of the college library, information funds, educational services, medical and other units;

2.6 The opportunity to participate in all kinds of creative projects, research papers, conferences, symposia, meetings, competitions, festivals, presentation of the publication of his works, including college publications;

2.7 Opportunities to speak out about the quality and methods of teaching and to make proposals for their improvement;

2.8 To create student government and student organizations;

2.9 Choosing the elective courses offered by the College of teachers;

2.10 To elect and be elected to the College authorities;

2.11 Available to attend events organized by the College as part of the educational work or leisure students.

The main duties of students

College Students are required to:

3.1 To carry out the duties set out in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”.

3.2 Comply with the College Statutes, internal regulations in college, code of honor students, implement the decisions of Engineering and pedagogical council, orders and instructions of the Director, Deputy Directors, regulatory training, creative, scientific processes, their organization and conduct; worthy to carry the name of a student of the College; observe the rules of living in a student dormitory.

3.3 Students of all forms of education of the College are required to acquire knowledge, to perform in a timely manner all kinds of assignments, pass all examinations and tests in strict compliance with the curricula and training programs within the prescribed period (exams).

3.4 To enhance the cultural and professional level.

3.5 Comply with the requirements of labor protection, safety, industrial hygiene, occupational health and fire protection, under the relevant rules and regulations, approved by the Director of the College.

3.6 Promptly report to the College administration on the circumstances, hinder or prevent the normal operation of the (accident and other emergencies), and take the necessary measures to eliminate them.

3.7 Keep your training equipment (technical training) in good condition, to maintain cleanliness at the training site to observe the established procedure for the storage of material valuables and documents.

3.8 To protect the property of the College by preventing spoilage, efficient use of equipment and techniques, take care of the instruments, concert costumes and other items issued for use by students, use energy economically and efficiently, fuel, water and other resources.

3.9 Respect for human dignity and the opinion of the students, faculty, college staff, tolerate the opinion of others.

3.10 While in school buildings, dormitories and other buildings of the College, to behave with dignity and refrain from actions that interfere with other students to carry out their duties, follow the generally accepted moral and ethical standards, to take care of the business reputation of the College.

3.11 Be disciplined, observe cleanliness and order in all educational, and other areas of the College, regularly participate in cleanup and other activities on cleaning training and support facilities hostel and training College of the housing and the surrounding area.

3.12 Students must be neat, to comply with business style clothing, behaving with dignity in the College, on the street, in public places and private life.

3.13 In the premises of the College shall be prohibited:

  1. Loud conversations, noise, use of profanity, walking through the corridors during class;
  2. acts of physical violence or the threat of one over the other, ill-treatment and abuse each other, aggressive or disruptive behavior (extortion), rude behavior, screaming, spitting, etc.), theft of property of others, intentional damage of personal property of others and College;
  3. Smoking in school buildings, dormitories, in the wrong places;
  4. The use of alcohol, use of toxic agents and drug intoxication;
  5. Gambling

3.14 The student must comply with the academic integrity of the student and to avoid:

  1. cheating, the use of cribs and other illegal methods of obtaining information in order to help yourself or someone else in the performance of academic work during the interim or final certification;
  2. Plagiarism, theft or the issuance of someone else’s ideas or conclusions, presentation of relevant work as a result of his own thoughts and ideas;
  3. Any other forms of misconduct, which may include: falsification of documents and data, lies, copying, modification or any other use of the stored information (including computer) without permission. As well as other similar actions that may reasonably be attributed to such violations.
  4. Public bodies student government

4.1. Student Council is guided by the legislation of Kazakhstan, these Rules and other legal acts.

4.2. Student Council consists of persons elected by the general meeting of students and old age groups.

4.3. Student Council:

  1. Coordinating the activities of groups of elders;
  2. Draws on voluntary basis students to perform community service at the College (cleaning rooms) and the adjacent territory;
  3. Help the College administration in monitoring the safety of material assets;
  4. Represents the interests of students;
  5. Promote the organization of cultural work.
  6. Training schedule, study time and its use

5.1 The school year begins on 1 September, consists of two semesters (each semester consists of 2 intermediate certifications) and ends according to the curriculum for this educational and professional program. Engineering and Pedagogical College Council may decide to amend the beginning of the school year.

5.2 The educational process in the College is carried out for 6 days a week (Monday to Saturday), in accordance with the curriculum and schedule lessons. Studies on Sundays and public holidays is permitted in exceptional cases, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.3 The College shall be established the following basic types of learning activities:

  • Training sessions: lectures, practical classes, seminars, laboratory classes;
  • Forms of control: test, test, independent work, control work, test, protection of final qualifying works, state exam;
  • Other types of training activities: consulting, practice, course work, thesis work, qualification work.

5.4 Timetable approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, and posted in the designated place not later than 7 days before the start of classes.

5.5 After the start of classes in all educational and adjacent areas must be provided with peace and order, necessary for the normal course of studies. It is unacceptable to interrupt training sessions, go to the classroom and out of it at the time of their conduct.

5.6 Entrance of students in and out of the audience after the start of classes the teacher is allowed only with the permission of the teacher.

5.7 To carry out practical, seminars and other kinds of activities in the classroom, each course is divided into academic groups, if necessary – to subgroups. The composition of the academic groups and subgroups defined by the order of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

5.8 Each academic group appointed warden from among the most disciplined achievers and students. The elder group reports directly to the curator of the course and carry out the orders and instructions within the framework of the Charter of the College.

5.9 Each academic group maintained a register of progress and attendance of students prescribed form, which is stored in a teaching and daily before the training is given the teacher to mark it count, as well as present and absent in the classroom.

5.10 If you arrive later in the class for valid reasons not later than the next day, the student puts notify the curator of the group and the first day of attendance at the study presents information about the reason for absence and documents of the established sample (reference, agendas, letters, telegrams, and so on. n.), containing information acquittal nature.

Incentives for academic excellence

6.1 For success in studies and active participation in the creative, scientific and social life of the College for students established the following forms of promotion:

  1. announcement of gratitude;
  2. awarding of a valuable gift;
  3. awarding the Honorary Diploma of the College;
  4. other encouraging measures.

Promotions are declared by order of the director, communicated to all staff and kept in the personal file of the student.

Liability for breach of discipline

7.1 For failure curricula violations under the Charter College of duties, internal regulations, dormitory regulations, the Code of honor of the student in relation to students’ different disciplinary measures can be applied, up to expulsion from the school:

  • Remark
  • A reprimand with entering into a private matter
  • Statement on the accounting
  • Eviction from the hostel
  • Expulsion from the College

7.2 Learners may receive disciplinary action in cases of:

  1. single or systematic failure to perform the obligations under these Internal Rules, the internal regulations of the student dormitories, students of the Code of honor;
  2. the use of school premises for other purposes;
  3. destruction of or damage to the school premises;
  4. appearance in a state of alcohol or drugs;
  5. Pass training sessions without valid reasons in the amount of 30 hours or more;
  6. e) storage, distribution of drugs;
  7. storage in the hostel explosive, chemically hazardous substances or firearms;
  8. in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7.3 Application of disciplinary action is made by the order of the Director of the College.

7.4 For negligent attitude to the documents (the loss of a student card, student’s record book, etc.) disciplinary measure may be applied to the students. In case of loss a duplicate document can be issued only once for the entire period of the student’s college tuition.

7.5 In the application of disciplinary measures taken into account the gravity of the offense, the circumstances under which it was committed, previous studies and student behavior.

7.6 It is not allowed deduction of students during their illness (the confirmed documentary), vacation, academic parental leave or vacation.

7.7 Grounds for expulsion of persons enrolled at the College, including if they commit illegal acts, defined by the Charter of the College and the present internal regulations. A student may be expelled from the College:

  • On their own, including sickness or in connection with transfer to another school;
  • For missing training sessions without valid reasons in the amount of 60 hours or more per 1 interim appraisal period (1 attestation interim period is – 2 months);
  • For academic failure (when receiving 3 or more unsatisfactory marks in the session, when non liquidation academic debts on time);
  • For breach of contract, if the training is done on the basis of full cost recovery;
  • For gross or repeated violation of the duties under the Charter College, these Rules, the Rules of living in the dorms, and the repeated infringement is considered to be the above-mentioned rules, if a student previously for 1 year applied disciplinary measures or exposure;
  • For an offense established by a court verdict, as well as committing other illegal acts, discrediting the title of college students;
  • For the use of drugs, not justified by medical necessity.


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