“Singing about you, Astana”

This year, Kazakhstan celebrates the 20th anniversary of its capital city. Within the framework of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the capital, on March 16 in the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College a contest of reciters “Singing about you, Astana!” was held. The event was held with the purpose of educating the sense of patriotism, love and pride to native land, homeland and its capital, to popularize among students the works of Kazakh authors.

The participants of the Contest performed poetic and dramatic works of Kazakh authors in Kazakh and Russian languages. Students could prepare works of their own compositions. So, students of TП-18 Galiganov Maxim and Tuyakpaeva Alina read poems of their own compositions. In addition to the artistic reading of the work, the jury evaluated the artistry, expressiveness and originality of the presentation of the work.

As a result of the competition, the jury distributed the prizes in the following order: 1st place – Karzhaubaeva Akmaral (group ЭБ-11), 2nd place – Elubai Zhandos (group ТП-17), 3rd place – Galiganov Maxim (TП-18), Tuyakpaeva Alina (TП-18), Marat Tursynkul (ЭБ-11).

We wish all participants further creative success and inspiration!

The article was prepared by the teachers of philological disciplines, Muslimova Zh.M. and Omarovа A.S

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