Scientific Forum at Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College – new ideas and plans for development of secondary vocational education

April 15, 2021 was marked in the history of the college by the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of modern secondary vocational education in the context of its renewal.”

The scientific forum was devoted to the significant anniversaries – the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College and the 180th anniversary of the birth of our great compatriot, the first Kazakh teacher-educator Ibrai Altynsarin, who stood at the origins of the development of education in Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the conference was a constructive discussion of the strategic guidelines for the development of secondary vocational education in Kazakhstan and other countries, as well as the presentation of innovative, creative and original practice of training qualified mid-level specialists.

 The plenary session was attended by representatives of the Department of Education, universities, social partners, colleagues from Russia, China and Finland. In the speeches, modern world trends in the development of the secondary vocational education system were outlined, strategic ideas for modernizing the process of training highly qualified personnel for the innovative industrial economies of countries were voiced.

In continuation of the conference, sectional sessions were held. It must be admitted that the work of the sections is always distinguished by liveliness and a wide range of issues discussed. And this is justified, since a large number of people take part in the work of the sections. And our forum was no exception – there was an interesting conversation both on strategic issues – updating approaches, principles, goals, content of technical and vocational education, and on tactical issues – digitalization, new technologies and teaching methods, preparing students for professional competitions. 75 people took part in the work of 5 sections – these are both representatives of science and practice in the person of managers, methodologists, teachers of TVE organizations.

Taking into account modern realities, the conference was held on-line.

As part of the celebration of the anniversary of the college, the best teachers and employees of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College were awarded: Honorary Diploma of the Akim of Kostanay Region – Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Shcherbakova I.A., Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh., Braginets A. P., Rizhenko E.T., Kontrobaeva Zh.D; Honorary diploma of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region – deputy director for teaching and educational work Dyusekeeva L.K., head of the educational department Ibraeva S.Zh., head of practice Matvienko Y.V., methodologist Askarova M.B., teachers Amanova Zh.S. ., Zhaylibaeva K.M., Makanova G.I., Khusainova A.T., Shakirova L.F., head of the personnel department Ismagambetova A.K., head of the library Terentyeva N.N.

For us, the organizers, this scientific forum became both an intermediate finish that summed up the results of the development of an educational institution for 50 years, and a start for new ideas, plans and achievements.

The results of the ISPK dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College

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