“Junior Skills Kostanay – 2018”

In the framework of the week of the CMC electrical engineering disciplines, with the aim of early vocational orientation of schoolchildren 27. 12. 18 was held the contest “Junior Skills Kostanay – 2018” among students in Kostanay schools on the competence “Electrical work.” The competition was attended by pupils of 9 classes of the Gorky High School; gymnasium named after S. Maulenov; schools – gymnasium number 18; Secondary School No. 17; Secondary School No. 5. The competition was held at two sites, with 10 participants in each. In the classroom number 214, the children had to investigate a series circuit of connections. In the classroom number 318, the pupils assembled an electric lighting scheme, according to previously sent schemes.

According to the results of the “Junior Skills Kostanay – 2018” competition, the jury distributed the seats as follows, classroom No. 214:

1 place was won by a pupil of the school №18 – Urazalin Zhandos;

2nd place – a pupil of the school № 18 gymnasium – Ilya Katanaev;

3rd place – a pupil of secondary school number 5 – Dorozhkin Eugene.

classroom number 318:

1 place was won by a pupil of the school of M. Gorky – Khabibulin Kamil;

2nd place – a pupil of the school named after S. Maulenov – Kabatayev Sanjar;

3rd place – a pupil of secondary school number 17 – Nikita Pavlichenko.

                Information prepared by the teacher of special disciplines Schreiber O.I.

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