International pedagogical readings on “New opportunities and modern trends in technical and vocational education”MSOE “Kostanay College of Automobile Transport” of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region

On January 31, 2024, the Kostanay College of Motor Transport hosted a professional forum of educational workers, contributing to the development of creative initiative and professional development of college teachers, involving them in the development of topical issues of education and upbringing. The methodological service of the Kostanay College of Motor Transport, represented by the Deputy director for scientific and methodological work of Bibik B.B., through pedagogical readings, creates conditions for professional development of teaching staff of the Kostanay region and Kazakhstan, neighboring countries and India, their professional competence, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience.

Teachers of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College are annual participants of international pedagogical readings on the basis of Kostanay College of Motor Transport. The methodological office of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, represented by the deputy director for educational and methodological work Kaipbaeva ZH.SH. and the head of the educational and methodological office Ayaganova B.Z., continuously carries out systematic work to form a pool of scientific publications of teachers, to provide methodological assistance in developing the structure of the article, in conducting a pedagogical experiment at the college, monitoring and analyzing data, testing experience. The results of the stages of pedagogical research and observations of teachers are reflected in scientific publications, author’s developments, digests, digital educational resources and other methodological materials. The materials of the college teachers presented at the International pedagogical Readings received a positive expert assessment from the jury, reviewed by researchers from the universities of Kostanay region. More than 40 publications were presented at International pedagogical readings, 5 teachers of the college summarized the best pedagogical experience: Shcherbakova I.A., Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh., Dyusekeeva L.K., Taikova G.L., Matvienko Yu.V.

The success of collective co-creation and cooperation of the pedagogical community lies in the openness of teachers to discuss, broadcast, and scale pedagogical experience on an international platform.

The material was prepared by Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh., Deputy Director for educational and methodological work

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