Informational action on the work of the Regional Center for Psychological Support and Additional Education “of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

The aim of the action was to inform minors and their parents about the regional Center for Psychological Support, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to college students, as well as to increase the psychological literacy of minors and parents.

 The contingent of the event participants amounted to 1432 people.

Action barysynda educational psychologist foams әleumettіk teacher vatsap zhelіsі arқyly Bilim take psihologtary Myung әleumettіk pedagogtar vatsapty zhelіsі arқyly Kostanay bald әkіmdіgіnің Bilim basқarmasynyң “psihologiyalyқ Koldau zhane қosymsha Bilim take aymaқtyқ ortalyғynyң” Senim phones zhayynda vizitkalar, paraқshalar kuratorlarғa, studentterge zhane olardyң ata-analaryna taratyldy.

As a result of the action, a video was prepared, which was posted on the college’s instagram.




The information was prepared by a teacher-psychologist: Temirbek A.B.

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