“Depression, ways out»

    On 29.04.2021, as part of the work of the family club “We are Together”, a psychological training with online counseling was held on the topic “Depression, ways out”.

    The training was attended by parents of college students of the following groups: ТЗ-25, ТЗ-26, ТП-26, ТП-27, ТП-28, ХП-19, ХП-20, ЭМ-6, ЭМ-7, ЭБ-16, ЭС-17, ЭС-18, Э-12.

     The purpose of the event was to teach children to recognize signs of depression in adolescents, to teach parents to get out of stressful and depressive situations.

     During the conversation, the parents were told about depression, the causes of depression. Parents actively participated in the training, answered questions, and shared their experience of getting out of a state of depression.

     At the end of the training, parents were given recommendations on how to get out of a state of depression.

     Recommendations for parents to prevent depression in adolescents:

* accept children as they are;

* talk to your child, ask him questions about his condition, have conversations about the future, make plans;

  • take part in the interests and hobbies of teenagers;

* teach your child to follow the daily routine;

* teach your child to communicate constructively with adults and peers;

* do not compare your child with other children – more successful, cheerful, good-natured. These comparisons will exacerbate the teenager’s already low self-esteem. You can only compare the teenager of today with the teenager of yesterday and set up a positive image of the teenager of tomorrow.

  • if you suddenly notice changes in the behavior of a teenager that you can not explain, you need to consult a specialist-a psychologist, a psychotherapist.

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