Day of National Pedagogical Science. Pedagogical Council № 2. Thematic pedagogical council “The skill of the supervisor of the study group is the guarantee of the quality of professional training and social progress of students”

On October 26, 2020, the following issues were considered on the agenda of the pedagogical council No. 2 which was held in an online format:

  1. On the implementation of the decisions of the pedagogical council No. 1 dated 08/28/2020. Speaker – Zhuldyz Shamilievna Kaipbaeva, Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work.
  2. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746 – 1827) – the great Swiss educator – humanist, who proposed a progressive theory of teaching and moral education of students, based on the principle of conformity to nature. Speaker – Baibulatova Aigul Zhakenovna, teacher of English.
  3. On the results of the work of the admissions committee. Speaker – Ibrayeva Sandugash Zhientaevna, executive secretary of the admissions committee.
  4. Institute of supervision: the main criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the educational work of the supervisor of the study group. Speaker – Lyudmila Kabdulaevna Dyusekeeva, Deputy Director for Educational Work.
  5. Psychological aspects of the development of the study group. Speaker -Temirbek Aigerim Bolatovna, teacher-psychologist.
  6. Use of active forms and methods of educational work of the curators of the study group. Speaker – Kontrobaeva Zhannat Duysembievna, Chairman of the Union of Curators.
  7. About the first stage of adaptation of students of a new set, problems and the main ways of their solution in the conditions of distance learning. Speakers: Temirbek Aigerim Bolatovna, teacher-psychologist, Tazhitaeva Ainur Sagidullaevna, social teacher.
  8. About social and pedagogical support of students from families in a socially dangerous situation. Speaker – Tazhitaeva Ainur Sagidullaevna, social educator.

The materials of the speeches were presented for study and familiarization To acquaint teachers with the theses of the speakers’ presentations. Following the results of the pedagogical council, a draft decision was presented, which was supplemented and unanimously adopted.

The decision of the pedagogical council No. 2 dated October 26 of this year, theses of reports and presentations are attached.



The material was prepared by Zh.Sh. Kaipbaeva, Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work


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