Conducting career guidance at school: how to help students choose their path

Higher College Makanova G.I., Sagandykova Zh.B., Mukat Zh.K., Kostyrev V.V. conducted career guidance work for students of grades 9-11 in schools of the Fedorovsky district of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region: KSU Peshkovskaya OOSH, OOSH named after Abaya, I.Altynsarin OOSH, M. Mametov KSU OOSH, Uspenovskaya OOSH, Voronezh OOSH.

The purpose of career guidance at school is to help students realize their interests and abilities, choose a future profession, taking into account their individual characteristics and aspirations. This is an important stage in the life of schoolchildren, which will help them successfully navigate their chosen professional activities.

During the conversation, the students watched a video about the college, received useful information about the admission requirements and prospects of their chosen profession, and asked questions of interest.

The information has been prepared: Makanova G.I., Sagandykova Zh.B., Mukat Zh.K., Kostyrev V.V.

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