“Afghanistan is our memory and pain”

February 15, 2018 students of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College from the groups ТЗ-21, ЭС-9, М-1, ТП-15, ХП-13, ХП-9 engaged in the military patriotic circle ” Zhas Ulan”, attended the event, dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

This event was held by the public association “Union of Afghanistan Veterans and Local Wars of Kostanay Region”.

 The children attended the solemn ceremony of laying wreaths, flowers by veterans of the Afghan war to the monument to soldiers-internationalists. We made an excursion to the Museum of Combat Glory.

Then in the Palace of Culture “Miras” the children watched the festive concert.

Such events are one of the directions of military-patriotic education of students in the spirit of patriotism, love for the Motherland, its history, respect for the elders and patriotic education of the younger generation.

The article was prepared by the teacher of the Fatkhudinov R.

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