The Year of Working Professions at KPVK: a bright start!

On January 15, 2025, Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College ceremoniously opened the Year of Working Professions. This event became an important step in increasing the prestige of working professions and strengthening the ties between education and production.
Graduates of the 9th grades, representatives of partner enterprises, graduates of previous years, students and teachers gathered in the college assembly hall. The guests of the event were the first to learn about the college’s plans for this year and were able to assess the scale of the upcoming work.
As part of the ceremonial part, welcoming speeches were made by the head of the TYPO department Zhumina Zh.S., the director of the college Katkenov K.A., speeches by employers and successful graduates of KPVK. They shared their experience and emphasized the importance of working professions for the development of the region.
In parallel with the official part, an exhibition-presentation was held in the college lobby, where students demonstrated their projects and products created as part of the educational process. This allowed the guests to assess the level of training of future specialists and see what knowledge and skills they receive within the college.
The Year of Working Professions at KPVK is not only a festive event, but also a whole range of practical activities:

  • Conducting career guidance events for schoolchildren.
  • Organizing professional skills competitions among students.
  • Conducting forums and conferences with the participation of teachers, employers and industry experts.
  • Implementing joint projects with partner enterprises.
    Why does KPVK pay so much attention to working professions?
    Because our graduates are sought-after specialists in the labor market. They work at leading enterprises in the region and make a significant contribution to its development.
    The Year of Working Professions is a great opportunity for young people to make an informed choice of their future profession and start a successful career.

Information prepared by Deputy Director for IT Khramey I.S.

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