VII International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic “Secondary vocational education in the information society: modern challenges” SEI APE «Chelyabinsk Institute of Professional Education Development»

February 02, 2024 in Chelyabinsk (Russian Federation) The Chelyabinsk Institute for the Development of Vocational Education, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region and the Ministry of Information Technology, Communications and Digital Development of the Chelyabinsk Region, held the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Secondary Vocational Education in the Information Society: modern Challenges».

The organizers of the conference:

• SEI APE «Chelyabinsk Institute of Professional Education Development»,  

• Republican Institute of Vocational Education of the Republic of Belarus,

• SEI APE «Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Vocational Education»,

• MSOE «Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College» of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

Areas of work of the conference:

1. Digital vectors of education development;

2. Development of the digital educational environment;

3. Current issues of education in digital reality;

4. A modern teacher in the digital world.

The International scientific and practical conference aims to consider the problems of implementing the educational process in a digital educational environment; to discuss issues related to the process of digital transformation of secondary vocational education and the formation of a digital culture of teachers and students of professional educational organizations.

At the plenary session of the international conference, the director of  Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Katkenov K.A. made a welcoming speech.

The report «Digital storytelling as a modern educational tool for solving pedagogical problems» in section No. 2 «Development of the digital educational environment» was made by Deputy Director for ЕMW Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh.

As part of the conference, an exhibition of software and hardware for organizing the digital educational environment of professional educational organizations was held. College teachers from Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus took part in the conference in full-time and part-time. The speakers, authors of articles, and listeners were awarded certificates of participation in the conference. Following the results of the conference, a collection of articles «Modern challenges of digital transformation of Secondary vocational education» was published. The conference collection contains articles summarizing the work experience of teachers of professional educational organizations. The leadership and teachers of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College published articles in the conference collection: Katkenov K.A., Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh., Shcherbakova I.A., Dyusekeeva L.K., Matvienko Yu.V., Taikova G.L., Saidov A.M. and Balguzhinova Zh.E., Kontrobayeva Zh.D., Irgibayeva D.K., Baibulatova A.Zh., Sharakulova A.A., Shektybaeva L.F. and Akhmetzhanova D.K., Uaisova M.M., Alseitov K.S., Beisenova H.B., Khusainova A.T., Tulegenov E.N., Zhursinalina G.S. and Kusainova D.B., Kukenova B.K., Kumarova G.E., Makanova G.I. and Akhmadieva M.B., Ryadinskaya I.A. and Pupysheva K.S., Morgunova E.A., Zhumagulova T.K., Naumenko T.V., Rizhenko E.T. and Prodruyeva S.S., Akhmetova G.B. and Sagandykova Zh.B., Ibraeva M.B. and Iskakov K.E., Sonarbayeva Zh.Zh., Bondareva N.L. and Stepanenko D.V., Yerzhakanova L.L.

The material was prepared by Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh., Deputy Director for educational and methodological work

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