Youth policy

To be young means to “run” forward.
To run, creating, helping loved ones, leaving a positive mark behind.
Learn, strive, be patriots and think about the future! “

Inspector of the Youth Affairs Committee
Victoria Alekseevna Dorovskikh
Contacts: tel. 8-777-652-10-51

Our youth must live with dignity and, like the apple of their eye, they must cherish the customs and traditions of the people, learn and inspire others with their skills and talents, be free and implement the advanced humane ideas of humanity.
The Youth Affairs Committee (YAC) is a structural subdivision of the college in the sphere of implementing the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
YAC are the best, elected by vote, representatives of student youth. To be young means to love movement, to be able to do it, so that it brings pleasure to yourself and others.
YAC is your chance to find yourself, to reveal all your talents and capabilities, to develop them to the highest level and to show the WHOLE WORLD what you are capable of and what you are worth. Everyone here will be able to choose something for themselves, and if not, there is always the opportunity to create your own direction and lead it!
The main goals of the YAC:

  • activation of social activities of students;
  • formation of civic self-awareness of youth;
  • education of patriotic feelings;
  • support and implementation of student initiatives;
  • assistance in development of personal self-realization of student youth.

The primary tasks of the YAC:

  • education of an educated, active and conscious citizen, a patriot of his country;
  • protection of the rights and legitimate interests of college students;
  • development of an independent, harmoniously developed creative personality, capable of adapting to changing social conditions;
  • assistance in broad participation of students in social, cultural and public activities of the state;
  • provision of support to talented and gifted youth;
  • creating conditions for dialogue and interaction between students and the college administration;
  • promoting a healthy lifestyle among students.

Structure of student self-government
The purpose of the Parliament: development of civic engagement skills, social competence, civic responsibility in students, education of a citizen of high culture, humanistic orientation, capable of social creativity, able to act in the interests of improving his personality, society and the state.

The tasks of the Parliament:

  • creation of conditions for the development of the abilities and interests of students, a single legal space in school, college, university, providing a real opportunity to participate in the management of the educational organization;
  • education of a positive attitude to the norms of collective life, the laws of the state, the desire to benefit people, to help their friends and peers overcome difficulties;
  • involvement of each student in the public life of the educational organization;
  • development of independent thinking and self-awareness, leadership skills, organizational knowledge, abilities, skills of collective and managerial activities.
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