Workshop “Modular competency approach in the formation of professional competencies of future electricians”

On November 27, 2019, on the basis of the Kostanay polytechnic higher college, within the framework of the Republican educational and methodological association in the field of “Energetics”, a workshop “Modular competency approach in the formation of professional competencies of future electricians” was held.       

The purpose of the workshop was to promote the development of common requirements for the content of educational and planning documentation in the context of a modular competency-based approach for educational institutions of the region conducting training in the specialties 0902000 “Power Supply (by Industries)”, “Technical Operation, Repair and Maintenance of Electrical and Electromechanical Equipment (by types).

The program of the workshop included conducting open lessons using the modular competency approach, panel sections “Implementing the modular competency approach in the system of practice-oriented training for future electricians” to discuss current issues of methodological support for the modular competency approach.

 The deputy head of the regional methodological office of technical and vocational education of the State Institution “Education Administration of the Akimat of the Kostanay Region” Zhumina Zhanagul Serikpayevna addressed the participants of the regional workshop with a welcoming speech.

The workshop was attended by 16 colleges of the region. Presentations were made in panel sections by representatives of the Kostanay Social and Technical College, the Rudny Polytechnic College, and the Kazakhstan Agrotechnical College. ”

During the work of the panel sections, recommendations and suggestions were developed on creating a network community of colleges conducting training in the specialties 0902000 “Power supply (by industries)”, “Technical operation, repair and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by types).

Head of the teaching room: Ayaganova Bakhyt Zaynulovna



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