With dedication, freshman!

The «Рухани  жаңғыру» Program says that the national code of any people is formed through a special relationship to the native land, its culture, customs, traditions. From the love of each of us to your land, to your village, the city – the place where you live, study or work, national patriotism develops.

10/13/2017 in Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Dedication to students took place. The aim of the event was to introduce freshmen to the traditions of the educational institution, to form a united student body.

Dedication to students is an important and exciting moment, full of emotions and vivid impressions. Fun, enthusiasm, a lot of music and dancing created the atmosphere of an unforgettable holiday. The real student, in the opinion of the undergraduates, is the one who with dignity and honor passed all the trials at the initiation, therefore they prepared intellectual, musical, sports competitions for the first-year students. Need to mark, that all the guys coped with the tasks perfectly: showed their agility, creativity and ability to solve intellectual problems.

This year, the college staff accepted 398 freshmen in their large family, who, we are sure, will adequately bear the proud title of students of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, continue and multiply the traditions of the native educational institution.

The information was prepared by the teacher Sonarbaeva U.I.

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