Winners of the regional festival of robotics and automation “Science and Technology”

Two days – April 11, 12 – robots took part in KinEU, and people demonstrated models and models created by them in the development of scientific projects. More than 120 students and students of the Kostanay region attended the third festival of robotics and automation «Science and Technology».

The festival was held within the framework of the implementation of the subprogram “Education and knowledge” of the program for modernization of public consciousness “Spiritual renewal”, as well as the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”, in order to identify gifted youth and support it in solving design problems in the field of innovative technologies, robotics, mechanics , programming.

Students of the Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College showed good results in the competition of research projects.

The winners were:

  • 1- place Pyshnenko Nikita, Beysembayev Yernur “Smart Greenhouse”;
  • 2- the place of Kaparova Gauhar and Petrushkov Yakov with the project “Robot” Soper” based on Arduino”;

The participants were awarded with certificates and valuable prizes of the State Institution “Administration of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay Region” and KinEU.

Information was prepared teachers of special disciplines Zhursinalina G.S. Kusainova D.B.

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