“We will remember forever – this is a holy duty!”

Our college is actively working on military-patriotic education. Studentexcursionsto museums of Military Glory, monuments of heroes of the Great Patriotic War play an important role in the development of moral feelings and personality qualities.

In this regard, on January 14, 2022, an online tour of the Museum of Military Glory of Secondary School No. 4 was held for the first-year students of Kostanay.

There were the following purposes of this tour: formation of civil-patriotic feelings among students, fostering a sense of love for their homeland and pride for their people, respect and a sense of gratitude to WWII veterans.

Students were presented a lot of interesting things about the events of the Great Patriotic War, about the exploits of our soldiers, about the courage of our great-grandfathers.

All the unique material of the museum is associated with the 151stSeparate Rifle Brigade, which was reorganized into the 150thRifle Divisionin September 1943.

The video, presented to online viewers, was about the course of the Great Patriotic War, showing museum objects, photographic materials and documents.

Among them are helmets, grenades, flasks, overcoats, personal belongings of war participants. They are all authentic!

The children were also presented with stands with photographs, documents, biographies, letters, books.

The atmosphere of the museum reminded us of the war, of the people who left and did not return, and, finally, of the price at which Victory was given to our people.

The information was prepared by: Fatkhudinov R.R.

 Nurkanov M.K.

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