We are in favor of a good mood!

May 28-29, 2018 in the college were held seminars and training sessions on the topic: “Prevention of autodestructive behavior, the formation of the principles of healthy lifestyle”.

The purpose of these events is to overcome difficult life situations and promote healthy lifestyle for young people. Students of the first and second courses took part in this event. Before the students were: the psychologist KOND – Bisimbayeva Gulsum Aitzhanovna, the assistant of the Kostanay regional center of mental health – Ismailova Yana Vladimirovna, the psychologist of the medical center – Bespalko Natalya Viktorovna. Students took an active part in the work of the dialogue platform “Question-answer”. The students formed a positive attitude towards the conduct of a healthy lifestyle.

The information was prepared by Tankieva Zinaida Beksultanovna, social teacher of the college


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