Volunteering is the key to the prosperity of society

“The ideals of service, solidarity and belief that together we can make this world a better place are gathered together in the heart of volunteerism. In this sense, it can be said that volunteering is the ultimate expression of the main goal of the existence of the United Nations”

Kofi Anan, general secretary of the United Nations.

The regional contest among volunteer organizations “The Best Volunteer of Kostanay Region” and “The Best Volunteer Organization” took place in the House of Friendship on November 23. Team of our college “ Меірімді жүрек” took part in this event. Our students-volunteers Menzaripova Diana and Nurgalieva Darina were awarded with certificates of participation in the nomination “The best volunteer of Kostanay region”.


The information was prepared by the teacher-organizer A. Pushkarev.

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