Vocational Guidance Olympiad

Within the framework of the implementation of the basic direction «Саналы Азамат»  and the Year of Youth «Тәуелсіздіктің ұрпақтары», vocational guidance Olympiad in general education subjects was organized for pupils of the 9th grade of schools of the region.

About 250 schoolchildren of the region took part in the intellectual competition. The largest number of participants was declared subjects of mathematics, biology and the Russian language. Olympiad tasks were developed in the state and Russian languages. College volunteers took an active part in organizing the event.

The participants gathered in the Assembly Hall to summarize and award. A nice concert program was organized for them. The winners were congratulated and awarded certificates to the Acting Director of Higher College Katkenov Kusain Amangeldinovich and Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the Regional Maslikhat on Youth, Member of the Board of the Association of Business Women of the Kostanay Region Kapenova Gulmira Amangeldievna!

Information prepared by A. Segizbaeva.

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