Victory Chords Online Quiz

From 6.05 to 9.05, the Committee on Youth Affairs of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College conducted an online quiz “Chords of Victory” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory.

For our country, this date is filled with special meaning. This is a sacred memory of those who died on the battlefields. This is our story, our pain, our hope …

The main duty of all subsequent generations of our country, the duty to the generation of winners – is to preserve the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War, not to forget a single dead soldier, to pay tribute to the war veterans and the labor front for the heroic deed in the Great Patriotic War.

For the quiz participants, questions and several answer options about songs of the war years and compositions dedicated to the Victory and the Great Patriotic War were published on the social network Instagram-kpvk_kst.

Both students and college teachers took an active part in the online quiz “Chords of Victory”.

The event was another confirmation that “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!”

According to the results of the Victory Chords online quiz, the first place went to Artyom Viskup, a student of the M-8 group.

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