“There is such a profession – protecting the Motherland”

On March 13, 2018, at the Kostanai Polytechnic Higher College, the Chief of the Legal Affairs Unit of the Defense Department of Kostanay, Sergeant Ismagulov Gumar Abubakirovich, conducted outreach work among the 4th year students of the ES-4 and ES-5 groups.

The meeting was organized in order to promote urgent military service, popularize the image of a Kazakh serviceman, and also to select candidates for military schools of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan from among civilian youth.

The children were told what kinds of troops are recruited, about the service life, what are the average special and higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about the rules for admission to military schools.

The article was prepared by: Fatkhudinov R.R. Nurkanov M.K

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