The introduction of the QSM in MSPE “Kostanay Polytechnic College”

The modernization of the educational system puts such tasks as finding new ways of working, the creation of appropriate conditions for the provision of qualitative education services. Kostanay Polytechnic College prepares specialists in the most sought-after professions as a promising innovative educational institution.

In connection with the implementation of the State program of forced industrialization of the country, it is an obvious implementation of innovative management models. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in his annual Address to the Nation directly pointed to the need for an early and broad implementation of international technical standards. One of the innovative methods of quality control of educational activities has been adopted in October 2015 decision to implement management systems QMS College’s quality. The introduction is to move the College to process management in accordance with the prepared, approved and implemented by the document that provides the improvement of internal controls, accountability and ordering work. In QMS model as we focus on quality management model, anchored in the international standards ISO 9001 series of quality: 2009. Main purpose of QMS is acting in college; it is the unity of educational, scientific, methodical and educational work, presented as components of a single process of preparation specialists. The main activities of the organization and objectives are reflected in the documents developed by the Quality Policy and objectives in the area of QMS principles of quality. One of the principles is the involvement of staff, so familiar with the content of policies, each college employee, from the director to the employees of auxiliary-service business. In college workers at all levels are involved in the educational activities of the college to maintain and improve quality.

To ensure the development and implementation of QMS documentation college staff received training and internal audit of the quality management system certificates. The specialists of JSC «NaTsEkS» seminar for college employees were held on the theme: “Review of the standard ST RK ISO 9001-2009” to give certificates.

Implementation of the QMS is a guarantee that the provided educational services to meet customer requirements, is to support and strengthen the strategic position of the College. The current Q MS means that students receive a high quality of educational services, parents – satisfaction with College activities and educational services, the college perfect the system qualitative control of the educational process, employers will receive competitive professionals, and college administration uses the new team management mechanisms.

Objective evidence that our college can work and fulfill their obligations under the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2009, is the certificate of conformity which had been presented to us after passing the external audit!


 Information prepared by Head of the QMS Department. Segizbaeva
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