The curatorial hour “Life without Conflict”

Before you say – count to ten,

Before you offend – count to a hundred,

Before you strike – count up to a thousand.

(Ancient folk wisdom)

People are not the same in nature, temperament and many other criteria, so they perceive the situations differently. Any person, even conflict-free one, cannot avoid disagreements with others.

On March 28, 2018, the curatorial hour in the college on the theme “Life without conflict” was held.

The purpose of the curatorial hour was the formation of skills in resolving conflicts in communication.

During the event mini-scenes “How to get out of the conflict?” were played, a video “Bridge” was shown, an exercise “Two palms – two people” was held, recommendations for conflict prevention were given. The curatorial hour has ended with the song “How beautiful this world is”.

Each such event is of great importance, since it contributes to improving students’ readiness for adequate behavior in conflict situations, gives participants pleasure, positive emotions, invaluable experience and skills.


The information was prepared by the teacher-psychologist Satybaldina R.A.

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