The action “We are together”

“A good person is one who benefits people”

Abay Kunanbayev

From February 20 to March 7, as part of the Year of the Volunteer, the team of college volunteers “Kind Hearts” held an action “We are Together”, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev and  International Women’s Day.

The purpose of the event was the formation of an active civic position among young people, the development of moral qualities such as mercy, fortitude, and the development of a desire for selfless service.

Volunteers removed snow, cleaned houses, helped pensioners, labor veterans, and World War II veterans.

During the action, volunteers rendered feasible social assistance to five grandmothers.

Participation in the action allowed the volunteers to gain the experience of selfless assistance to others. After all, the main thing in the action is not big words, but real actions.

Information was prepared by the teacher-organizer A. Pushkareva

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