“The 16th of December – Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

December 14, 2017 – a solemn event on the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in Kostanay polytechnic higher college. The purpose of this event was to educate Kazakhstan’s patriotism, international feelings, pride and respect for the history of the Kazakh people, interest in the history of the state.

This event was held in the assembly hall of the college. Students of the first course from group TЗ-21 were involved in the banner group. At the command of the teacher Nurkanov M.K under the solemn march, the flag group introduced the national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The students showed combat readiness and bearing, as well as receptions with weapons.

The article was prepared by: Fatkhudinov R.R., Nurkanov M.K.   

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