Students of the specialty 1304000 “Computer science and software” Tokushev Dias and Tamarko Artem won in the “Digital Kostanay” hackathon!

December 3 – 4, 2019 “Digital Kostanay” hackathon was held on the basis of the Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov.

The organizers of the hackathon were the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of the Akimat of the Kostanay Region, the Asian Development Bank, Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov and “MOST” business incubator. They prepared three tasks for the participants. In 48 hours, the teams had to develop solutions for regional tourism, creating smart applications for students, and promoting entrepreneurship.

18 teams of IT specialists took part in the Digital Kostanay hackathon. Over the course of two days, the participants solved problems, developed IT projects that will facilitate the lives of students, urban residents and help in the development of local entrepreneurship. The event was attended by investors representing the Asian Bank who are ready to sponsor the best startups.

Students of universities and colleges took part in the hackathon. Having formed the teams, they all worked on the project concept and presented their ideas at the mentoring session. Ten teams were admitted to the finals and public defense.

Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College was represented by the “ITSFERA” team, which included students of TP-15 group Tokushev Dias and Tamarko Artem, specialty 1304000 “Computer science and software”. The project manager is a teacher of information disciplines Uaisova Mayra Malikovna.

The solution of the EdTech project is software for educational institutions, digitalization of the procedure for accepting applications from applicants. The goal of the project is the centralized acceptance of applications from applicants from different regions of Kazakhstan.

Tokushev Dias and Tamarko Artem successfully presented the project; the team’s work on the project was appreciated by the jury.

Grant from the Rector to study at Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov was won by the “ITSPHERE” team: Tokushev Dias and Tamarko Artem!

Congratulations to our winners on their success in the “Digital Kostanay” hackathon!



Material prepared by: Deputy Director for scientific and methodological work Kaypbaeva Zh.Sh.

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