State symbols – the main property of my country

May 30, 2018 in the college was held a curatorial hour on the topic: “State symbols – the main asset of my country”, timed to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The aim of the event was the education of patriotism and citizenship, respectful attitude to the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Students watched the video about the State Symbols, got acquainted with the history of their occurrence, meaning.

For the children, a quiz was held, during which the students showed excellent knowledge of the symbols of Kazakhstan.

Such events develop cognitive interest, broaden the horizon, educate students about the patriotism and love for their homeland, respectful and careful attitude to the State symbols, the historical past and traditions of the peoples of our country.

The article was prepared by Zhumagulova T.К., teacher of foreign languages

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