Startup project


With the development of innovative technologies, various tools for their implementation into everyday life are developing rapidly. The founders of these implementations were small, rapidly developing companies called startups, all of whose activities are aimed at creating products for mass use. These companies are closely related to the student community – and the founders and employees of startups are often either students or recent graduates.

For many students, start-up development sites become real educational programs that allow them to acquire practical skills in creating and managing business, as well as to try to implement their own business idea.

Working with a startup as an external specialist helps students to develop competencies necessary for further work related to analytics, project development and consulting.

The teachers of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College actively use the technology of an educational startup. This is evidenced by the participation and victories of students in various competitions for start-up projects.

-30.11.2018 the result of a competition of the innovative projects «Болашаққа Ұмтылу» among students of colleges and higher education institutions of the Kostanay region as which organizer JSC “Social and Enterprise Corporation “Тобол” acted is summed up. I place – Selkova Dinara Musurbekovna, a student of the specialty 0518000 “Accounting and Auditing” of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College with the project “Education of school-age children using anatomical models.” Project Manager Kontrobaeva Zhannat Dusembievna.

In February 2018, a grandiose event started in Kazakhstan – the third season of the republican start-up competition «Startup Bolashak: Менің Арманым», in which young start-ups aged 16 to 35 years were invited to participate.







As a result, the jury members approved 32 projects, which will continue to participate in the quarter – final of the youth start-up contest “Startup Bolashak 3 season”: «Менің Арманым» in May this year in Astana. A student of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Bekbayeva Ayazhan presented the project “School of Physical and Intellectual Development «Эврика». The project manager is Kontrobaeva Zhannat Dusembievna, teacher of special disciplines. The startup was highly appreciated by the jury and passed to the next stage.







– On November 28, 2019, in the competition of innovative projects in the manufacturing industry ” Bolashaka Umtylu ” among students of colleges and higher educational institutions, 1st place and a prize fund of 550,000 tenge was won by Valentina Getmanchuk. Project leaders were Kontrobaeva Zhannat Dusembievna and Izdelyueva Salima Sailaubaevna.

– On May 27, 2020, in the regional StartUp competition of projects “Save the Planet” among students of organizations of technical and vocational education of the Kostanay region, the Grand Prix was taken by Antonova Valeria, Zavilinskaya Anastasia (tutors – Kontrobaeva Zh.D., Travkina M.V.), 1st place was occupied by Valentina Getmanchuk, Daria Bikuntas (tutors – Kontrobaeva Zh.D.,Izdelyueva S.S.).

– 01.11.2020 – Valentina Getmanchuk, Daria Bikuntas, Dmitry Zadorozhnyuk, Nikolay Ibragimov under the leadership of Kontrobaeva Zh.D. took 3rd  place with a certificate for 50,000 tenge in the project “Startup Weekend 2020”. Tokushev Diaz under the leadership of M.M. Uaisova took 3rd place with a certificate of 50,000 tenge.

– 11/25/2020 in the competition of innovative projects among students of higher educational institutions and colleges of the Kostanay region “Bolashaka Umtylu”. Two projects from Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College took 3rd  place with a prize fund of 100 thousand tenge:

  1. -1. The project “Biodegradable utensils” was presented by a 2nd year student, Opashnaya Veronika, under the guidance of Zh.D. Kontrabaeva, teacher of special disciplines;

    2. The project “4D hologram” was presented by a third-year student, Vladislav Ivasheshin, under the guidance of teachers Keneshov D.D., IzdelyuevaS., Pushkareva A.V.

– 11/30/2020, college students took part in the republican Youth Competition for the best idea to solve littering issues. According to the results of the competition in the nomination “Perspective project” the project “Bulkhead of plastic” of the students of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Ismagulova Ainura and Karabalin Daulet won, under the leadership of Zh.D. Kontrabaeva. The winners of the competition received a grant of 100 thousand tenge for the implementation of the project.

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