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- 16.10.2024
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on 10/15/2024. thegroup of ХП-26and the curatorGorbenkoN.A.visited the RussianDramaTheatertowatch the performance of the mother’s monologue”Myson is a drug addict”.Theplayexplains the negativeimpact of drug addictionon the health of youngpeople;shows the relevanceandsignificance of the problem of drug addiction for bothanindividualandsociety. The productionhelps to foster a negativeattitudetowards drug addiction,encourageschildrentoresistbadhabits, and teaches them to resistpeerpressure. The productiontouched upon suchtopicsasresponsibility,supportandattentiontocommunication,which is especiallyimportantforstudentsintheirdevelopmentasmatureandconsciousindividuals. In addition,thanks to the emotionsandassistance of the mother, youngpeople were able to understandthatdrugaddictionstronglyaffectsnotonlyaperson,butalsothosearoundhim.

The information was prepared by: N.A. Gorpenko, the curator of the group.