Specialized accreditation of the educational program 1014000 Engineering technology (by type) in accordance with international standards of accreditation of technical and vocational education organizations

From June 8 to 9 this year, the Kostanai Polytechnic Higher College conducted a specialized accreditation of the educational program 1014000 Engineering Technology (by type) in accordance with the standards of accreditation of technical and vocational education organizations. The working group consisted of the heads of departments, responsible for the college’s business processes, and the director of the college, Katkenov Kusain Amangeldinovich, supervised the accreditation process. The external expert group of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) during the external audit conducted a procedure for recognition by the accreditation body of the conformity of educational services to established academic / professional accreditation standards and the maintenance of an internal quality assurance system.

According to the audit program, an external expert group conducted an examination of the documentation of the units, a selective visit to training sessions and practice bases, interviews with stakeholders, a visual inspection of the college, educational buildings, departments and the CMC, structural units, libraries, departments, services, etc. according to the educational program.

Educational program 1014000 Engineering technology (by type) has successfully demonstrated compliance with the standards of specialized accreditation: “The objectives of educational programs and policies in the field of quality assurance”, “Development, approval of educational programs and information management”, “Student-centered training, teaching and assessment”, “Admission students, academic performance, recognition and certification”, “Teachers and staff”, “Learning resources and student support”, “Public awareness”.

The material was prepared by Kaypbaeva Zh.Sh., deputy director for EMW

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