Сompetition “Constellation of talents-2017: youth, creativity, friendship”

Within the framework of the “Рухани жангыру” program, the contest “Constellation of Talents-2017: Youth, Creativity, Friendship” was held among the first-year groups. It was dedicated to the Day of the First President.

The purpose of the competition is to identify and support talented and bright youth, to realize creative potential, to expand the circle of interests of college students, to help them meet spiritual, intellectual, creative and social needs.

The contest was held in four nominations: choreography, theater genre, vocal and artistic expression.

Contestants were able to open their potential. Participants showed sparkling, incendiary performances. Each group was awarded with diplomas. TП-19 group won the nomination “vocal”, TП-18 group won in the dance genre, in the nomination “Art word” the 1st  place was taken by Maxim Galiganov, in the nomination “Theater genre” –  group УЭС -10.

We wish our talented students further success and good luck.

The information was prepared by the teacher-organizer Pushkareva A.V.

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