«Sniper line»

On February 1, 2020, on the basis of the Kostanay Construction College, the air-gun bullet shooting championship was held among the military-patriotic clubs of the Kostanay region. It was dedicated to the 31st  anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the 28th  anniversary of the creation of the Armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This event was attended by more than 21 military-patriotic clubs, including students of the Kostanai Polytechnic Higher College from the military-patriotic club “Zhas Sarbaz”. According to the rules, competition was held among three groups, each team consisted of 4 people: 14-15 years old boys, 16-17 years old boys, 14-17 years old girls. These are students of the groups ТП-20, ТП-24, ТП-23, ХП-17, ТП-22 ,Э-10, Э-11, СТ-4, ТЗ-24.

The goals and objectives of the event were: popularization and development of military-applied sports, improving the level of sportsmanship of the participants of the competitions, preparing the reserve of national teams and identifying the strongest athletes.

According to the results of the championship, our college team of the military-patriotic club “Zhas Sarbaz” took the 5th place and received certificates for participation.

Article prepared by: Fathudinov R.R. Nurkanov M.K.

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