Сhoice of profession

One of the main areas of work with school students is career guidance. The conduct of career guidance work among schoolchildren is also determined by the increased requirements of modern education to the level of professional readiness of personnel. On April 13, 2022, I had a conversation with students of secondary school N.19.Kostanay. Future students learned about the wide range of educational services provided by our college, about the rules of admission and enrollment, the passing score, and information about the regime was also provided educational activities, payment of scholarships, cultural, sports, leisure activities of college students. In order to increase the effectiveness of career guidance

A questionnaire was conducted on the choice of a future specialty, during which students asked questions of interest to them. Booklets and information about the specialties of our college were distributed. Thanks to such events, it is easier for students to make the right choice of their future profession and consciously approach their future studies.

The information was prepared: Baibulatova A.Zh.

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