Session of the Pedagogical Council of the State public utility enterprise “Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College” of The Department of Education of Mayor’s office of Kostanay region

According to the results of the 1st semester, the analytical pedagogical council “Dynamics of changes in the educational process in the context of the efficiency of the college in training specialists and implementing educational programs” was held at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College. According to the work plan of the pedagogical council, the agenda includes the following issues:

  1. On the implementation of the decisions of the Pedagogical Council No. 2 dated 26.10.2020. Speaker -Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh., Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work.
  2. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 – 19871) – a famous teacher of the Russian Empire, who made a revolution in theory, a revolution in pedagogical practice. Speaker _ Akhmadieva L.Kh., teacher of English.
  3. About admission to intermediate certification. Speakers: Balguzhinova Zh.E., Kunitsyna S.N., Sokolenko A.M., Taikova G.L. – Heads of departments.
  4. Analysis of the activities of a higher college for 1st semester by areas of work. Speakers: I. A. Shcherbakova – deputy director for ЕW, Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh. – deputy director for EMW, Kstaubaev A.S. – deputy director for EPW, Dyusekeeva L.K. – deputy director for SEW, Komarov D.N. – deputy director for IT.
  5. Results of the activities of REMA “Energetics” for 2020, tasks and work goals for 2021. Speaker Ayaganova B.Z., head of the Educational and Methodological Association.

The activities of the college in the areas of work are marked by high performance, implementation of planned activities, achievement of target indicators. Based on the results of the meeting, decisions were made, the implementation of which will effectively implement the strategic goals and objectives in the second semester of the current academic year.



The material was prepared by Kaipbayeva Zh.Sh., deputy director for EMW

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