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- 01.10.2019
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In the 2019-2020 academic year, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 27, 2016 No. 83 “On Approving the Rules and Conditions for Certification of Teachers and persons equated to them” teachers of the Kostanai Polytechnic Higher College will proceed through the certification procedure. Certification comission of our college discussed and approved plans of open lessons, plans of summarizing experience and media plan for publications of certified teachers at the organizational session that was held on the first of October. Deputy Director Kaypbaeva Zh.Sh.has presented the model of the organization of the work of the departments for the certification of teachers in 2019-2020.
In the period from October to December, teachers of the highest, first and second categories are to show their open lessons. From January to March, they will be preparing analytical reports of pedagogical activity during the inter-certification period and submit their portfolios to the methodological room for further consideration at the Education Department of the Akimat of the Kostanai region.
Head of educational-methodical
department Ayaganova B.Z.