Round table “Faithful to profession”

On October 29, 2020, a round table “Faithful to profession” was organized at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College under the leadership of the Education Department of Kostanay region. As part of the round table, a generalization of the experience of introducing dual education at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College was carried out. In the first part of the event, Alekshova K.A., head of the department for the development of the content of TVE organizations, spoke about the implementation and scaling of dual education in the Kostanay region. She outlined the goals, objectives, progress and agenda of the round table. Satubaldin Zh.K., Deputy Director of KPHC, introduced the effective system of training qualified personnel in conditions of dual education in a higher college. Nespbaev A.A., an engineer for training of personnel of SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP and Head of the educational and methodological office of the college Ayaganova B.Z. spoke about the formed social partnership and interaction “College – Enterprise” as an effective form of training competitive personnel. The head of the human capital development department of the Atameken Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Kostanay region, Kazin M.A., spoke about the role of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs in the development of dual education in Kostanay region. Also, the higher college concluded a memorandum on dual training with AGROCORN LLP.
In the second part of the event, A.A. Nurtazina, head of the education department, and Dyusekeeva L.K., head of sector for the development of educational work in the organizations of TVE and deputy director of KPHC made a report on the importance of the continuity of traditions and involvement in the common cause. The family dynasties of higher college students were presented: Minkenovs, Shudegovs, Asanovs, Temirtasovs, Kuzbaevs, Katelnik, Kiriy.
In the third part of the event, a report on the role of WorldSkills in improving the quality of training competitive specialists in the TVE system was made by Kaipbayeva Zh.Sh., Deputy Director for EMW of the KPHC.
As part of the dialogue platform of the round table, colleges and social partners, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken” shared their progressive experience and vision of the prospects for the development of dual education. In confirmation of the success and effectiveness of the practical experience of introducing dual education in a higher college, certificate No. 33 of October 29, 2020 of the State Institution “Education Department of the Akimat of the Kostanay region” of the Methodological Office of TVE was presented to the higher college.
Based on the results of the round table, the following recommendations were made:
1. Consider the experience of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College in the implementation of dual education positive and suggest for use.
2. The work experience of a higher college in the development of family values ​​and traditions in the professional development of students is considered successful.
3. The participation of a higher college in the WorldSkills movement has positively influenced the growth of pedagogical skills of teachers and an increase in the competitiveness of college graduates.





The material was prepared by Kaipbayeva Zh.Sh., Deputy Director for EMW of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College

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