Review-journey “Astana and its sights”

In the reading room of the college library, in the framework of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the capital of Kazakhstan, an event took place: a survey-journey. The slide show was accompanied by interesting facts about the sights of Astana.

“The cities, like people, have their own destiny, each of them has its own name and unique biography, its own special character and signs that it cannot be confused with any other place on earth”,  Nursultan Nazarbayev wrote in his book «In the heart of Eurasia».

Astana is a modern city that is attractive for tourists; it is comfortable for residents and visitors of the capital of Kazakhstan. Astana became the capital of our Motherland in 1997. Now it is the city of the future, the city of dreams. With each passing day, it is increasingly developing and flourishing. There are many sports and cultural events here. Modern buildings are being built in Astana, which amaze everyone with its architecture.

Everyone who has ever visited here will want to come back here more than once, and whoever did not want to make an excursion to the capital of our Republic – the city of Astana, and be acquainted with all the sights that I learned about today.


Information prepared by head of library of Terentyeva N.N.

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