«Renewal is a key principle of our development»

After realizing the urgency of the task of the republican project “The World of Professions”, staff of the Kostanay polytechnic higher college conducted a purposeful work with aduation classes. During the meeting with pupils of 9th grades of the secondary school № 2,  our specialists tried to explain relevance and competitiveness of this or that profession.

The head of state is convinced that “people who are prepared and adapted to global competition will become the main vehicles of the principles of modernization of consciousness, among which openness, pragmatism and competitiveness”.

Understanding the importance of choosing a future profession, our teachers constantly provide professional consulting career guidance.

During the conversation,  the teacher of special disciplines Braginets A. P. informed the students about international cooperation, possibility of internship abroad, status of a higher college. The head of the department Taikova G.L. told about the demand for specialties in the region, social partnership and guaranteed employment of our graduates. The teacher of economic disciplines, Kontrabayeva Zh. shared with the news, interesting and eventful activities of student life, their participation in olympiads, championships and their achievements.

In the end students watched presentation about the college and its specialties. Promotional booklets were distributed among pupils.

Prepared by Segizbaeva A.

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