Quality of vocational training in the college

Within the framework of the presentation decade of the Department of Technical Disciplines, a laboratory-practical lesson on the topic “Evaluation of the quality of seed grain” was held by the teacher of special disciplines Zhanargul Bisimbaevna Sagandykova, a specialist of the highest qualification level of the highest category.

During the lesson Sagandykov Zh.B. transmitted her priceless work experience and professional knowledge to the 2nd year students of ТЗ-26 group. The changeability of the forms of work, teaching methods, differentiation of tasks according to the level of complexity maintained the interest of students, developed their independence, and motivated them to be active.

Students systematically use equipment for research activities: determination of moisture content, natural weight, glassiness, gluten content and grain ash content. This allows each student to master professionally significant skills and abilities, to operate with a conceptual apparatus at the level of professionals, to show professional literacy when performing various types of work.

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Shcherbakova I.A.

Head of the department Rizhenko E.T.

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