Open lessons

Within the framework of the subject week of the Department of technical disciplines, teachers of special disciplines E.T. Rizhenko, S. S. Izdelyueva shown open lessons with the usage of the modular competency approach.

The practice-oriented lessons of teachers were conducted on the basis of critical thinking technology. Working in microgroups, students performed tasks on assessing grain quality using production equipment.

Teachers created all the corresponding socio-psychological, educational-material, and aesthetic conditions for the lessons: an audience with a multimedia installation, an exhibition of packaging materials, arrangements of desks in the classroom for a role play “production meeting”, uniform for the role play, etc. All these details contributed to the creation of a business environment and helped a better perception of educational material and the formation of general and professional competencies. To reduce the students’ overwork, they were proposed to watch a video clip in the end of the lesson. The video, allowed teachers to develop a productive motivation for learning and to create a favorable psychological climate in the lesson and consolidate new material.

Head of the teaching room: Ayaganova B.Z.

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