“Military-sports relay race”

November 13, 2017 – In the framework of the 26th anniversary of the formation of Armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and week of initial military training and physical education , students of the first-year participated in military-sports race.

The aims of the event were the preparation of pre-conscription youth for military service, the development of motor skills, the upbringing of patriotism and the feeling of comradeship.

The following persons were invited to the event: head of the department of extra-military training of the Department of Defense Affairs of the city of Kostanay, junior sergeant Bigaitarov Almat Boranbaevich, physical education teacher Shcherbakov Victor Vyacheslavovich, medical worker of the college Muldagalieva Aygul Ramazanovna.

Each team consisted of 6 members. The relay consisted of 5 stages: running with a gas mask, incomplete disassembly and assembly of the machine, shooting from an air rifle, medical training and competition of captains.

As a result, of the relay, the participants received a charge of cheerfulness, improved military skills and improved athletic performance. The first place was taken by the groups Э -9, ХП-13, the second place is the team of the group (ТЗ-21, TП-19) and the team of the group (M-6, ЭС-9, ЭБ-12), the third place in the group ХП-12, TЗ -20. Groups ХП-11 and ТП-17 have received certificates for participation.

This relay shows the popularity and importance of military-patriotic and physical education of students, has a positive impact on the organizational strengthening of the team, contributes to the development of public activity of children, forms the qualities necessary for the future warrior, defender of the Motherland.

The article was prepared by: Fatkhudinov R.R. Nurkanov M.K.

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