“Military-sports relay race”

February 22, 2018 in Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College hosted a military athletic race among 1st-year studentts dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the 26th anniversary of the creation of the Armed Forces.

The objectives of the event were the formation of students’ knowledge of participation in the war in Afghanistan of our soldiers and officers, their exploits, the preparation of young men to serve in the army, the development of motor skills, the upbringing of patriotism and a sense of camaraderie.

At the event, the head of the department of extra-military training of the UDO, Kostanay, was invited. s-nt Bigaydarov Almat Boranbaevich, senior officer of military service and security at military unit 6697 captain Esenbaev Mukhit Bakitovich, medical worker of the college Muldagalieva Aigul Ramazanovna.

This event was attended by students of the groups B-13, AES-11, M-6, B-11, TP-19, TP-18, TZ-21, ES-9, TP-17, E-9, M-5, E-8.

The people competed in the relay race, which consisted of several stages: overcoming the obstacle course, disassembling and assembling weapons, equipping the magazine with cartridges, shooting from an air rifle, providing first aid.

As a result of the military-sports relay race, the first place was taken by the team of the TZ-21, ES-9 groups, the second place by the team of the B-13, AES-11, and the third place by the M-5 team. The remaining teams received certificates for participation.

The article was prepared by the teachers of the BMT: Fatkhudinov R.R.,  Nurkanov M.K.

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