Mentor hour on the theme “How beautiful is this world, look!”

In order to build resilience, stress resistance, positive self-awareness and effective communication skills, a mentor hour on the theme “How beautiful is this world, look!” was held in the ST-5 group on March 13, 2024.

As part of the curatorial hour, students discussed that it is possible to find beauty around you every day, even in small things, and this helps to maintain a positive attitude towards life. They also discussed how important it is to be able to find the positives in any situation, even when things seem bad.

During the exercises, students worked on appreciating their strengths, overcoming challenges, and finding ways to self-motivate. They discussed that life is full of challenges and trials, and it is important to learn how to cope without losing faith in oneself and one’s abilities.

The mentoring hour helped students realize that every day brings new opportunities for joy and well-being, and that it is important to learn to appreciate them despite the challenges and difficulties they may face.

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