Meeting with representatives of law enforcement agencies

On October 11, a meeting of 1st year students with a representative of law enforcement agencies was held on the topic: «Prevention of drug addiction and drug crime»

The purpose of the event was to prevent juvenile delinquency; promotion of legal knowledge. Formation of a responsible attitude among adolescents towards compliance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The objectives of the event are to explain the rights of minors, about the administrative and criminal responsibility of students for illegal offenses, about responsibility for the use, storage and distribution of narcotic substances.

The district police inspector of the juvenile police group of the OMPS CO UP G.Kostanay Senior police Lieutenant S. S. Zhangabulova told the students about the dangers of drug use, the inevitability of administrative and criminal liability for any actions related to drug trafficking. The speaker paid special attention to such facts as the application of pro-drug inscriptions, graffiti, posters and the dissemination of prohibited information on the Internet. Using examples from practice, the district inspector for minors said that the price of the promised illegal easy earnings is actually not a small term of imprisonment and broken human destinies.

         Students of the following groups took part in the meeting:1ES-24, 1E-15, 1M-13, 1M-14, 2ES-23, 2A-2, 2M-11.

Dyusekeeva L.K., Deputy Director for Educational and Upbringing Work


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