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- 26.04.2024
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On April 25, 2024, teachers of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Ibraeva M.B., Sagandykova Zh.B. and Rizhenko E.T. A career guidance meeting was held with ninth grade students of KSU Secondary School No. 22, 93 students were involved.
The guys were interested in questions such as: “What are the conditions for entering college?”, “What industry will graduates be able to work in?”, “Which enterprises in the city will be possible to do an internship during their studies?”, “What career growth awaits future specialists in the grain processing industry ? and etc.
Career guidance work and communication with schoolchildren will allow them to make the right difficult choice of their future profession.
The information was prepared by teachers: Sagandykova Zh.B., Rizhenko E.T., Ibraeva M.B.