Legal culture: laws, rights and duties

Currently, legal education is becoming an important aspect of the development of society. Knowledge of rights, ability to navigate in legal issues affect not only the development of a single individual, but also the development of the whole society.

Legal education as a direction of the educational process requires the creation of such conditions in an educational institution where every teenager can realize the importance of his rights and duties and treat them as a positive aspect of public life.

Means of forming a legal culture of youth are advocacy of law, the development of citizens of legal knowledge, increasing responsibility for their behavior in society. The most effective forms of work on legal education are those that are conducted jointly with representatives of law enforcement agencies.

The purpose of the round table “Legal culture: laws, rights and duties”, organized for students of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, was the education of a law-abiding citizen, raising the information culture of students.

The judge of the specialized inter-district court of the Kostanay region on cases of minors Urumbaev MZ, the prosecutor of the department of the Kostanay city prosecutor’s office Abilmazhinova KA, the psychologist of the regional narcological dispensary GA Bisymbaeva, the inspector of the GUP Onkaeva RB, group curators and students.

During the event, issues of prevention of offenses among minors, road accidents, the formation of HLS were discussed.

The students got acquainted with interesting facts from the judicial practice, asked questions, analyzed the situations from everyday life.

Holding of such meetings plays an important role in the formation of law-abiding behavior of minors, prevention of offenses among adolescents.

The information was prepared by the deputy director on the EW of Kostanay Polytechnic College Dyusekeeva L.K.

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